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The rising sci-tech stars GoodWe and Arctec ink the strategic joint partnership

Suzhou, Nov. 1, 2021 -- GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. received Arctech Solar Holding Co., Ltd. at the headquarters and signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Under the agreement, the two parties will establish a long-term, stable, and solid strategic joint partnership in the photovoltaic field. The chairman of GoodWe Mr. Daniel Huang and the Chief Financial Officer of Arctech Mr. Cheng Wang attended the signing ceremony representing each party.


"Arctech is an outstanding manufacturer and solution supplier of solar trackers, fixed-tilt structures and BIPV system while GoodWe is a world-leading PV inverter manufacturer and smart energy solution provider”, said Mr. Cheng Wang, "the two corporations share massive complementary and cooperation opportunities in the field of rooftop solar, utility power station, PV plus storage application, BIPV and so forth. In the future, we are capable of resource sharing and regional coordination while dedicating to the global energy transition!”


The history between GoodWe and Arctech goes back in years while both parties see each other as an honorable comrade fighting for a new era of smart energy. Henceforth Arctech become a partner who could work with GoodWe in terms of renewable power stations and smart energy project development. Specifically, both parties are dedicated to making full use of the value and advantages of products in the project development, and taking advantage of shared resources among personnel and distribution channels.

GoodWe firmly believes mutually beneficial cooperation contributes to a better future. After going public last year, GoodWe (688390.SH) and Arctech (688408.SH) are well-developed in the capital market. With the China 2060 Carbon Neutral Guideline, both parties are moving forward in knowledge-sharing and cooperation to provide comprehensive renewable energy solutions and become the main force of the new era of carbon neutrality.


Zde získáte informace z oboru a novinky společnosti GoodWe.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

Prohlášení o ochraně osobních údajů společnosti GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GOODWE Solar Academy

Prohlášení o ochraně údajů GOODWE Solar Academy


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